Information sheet pursuant to the Legislative Decree of 30th June 2003 No. 196 (Unified Text on the measures concerning the protection of personal data) 1. Information concerning your privacy This document provides you with some information and warnings about the methods used to manage our website (hereinafter “website”) in order to protect your personal data. 2. Purpose of the processing We process the data you provide in order to provide the complete, accurate service you have requested. 3. Processing of personal data Disclosure of your personal data is voluntary, but any refusal to provide such data could result in our failure to fulfil the service in part or in whole The data controller for the data you disclose voluntarily, and which is subsequently processed after you have consulted our website, is Smart Home Srl (hereinafter “SH”), with registered office in Rome, in Via dei Pivieri 70, Post code 00169, VAT No. 12097701002. SH processes those data not only to optimise the use of our website, but also for the following purposes: to send informative, technical and/or commercial newsletters either via computer or on printed paper, advertising and/or marketing activities either on printed paper and/or via computer, to send price lists, catalogues, technical instructions, samples, etc... , to carry out market research, to draft budgets and statistics and anything else which may be useful to ensure our website runs correctly and fully. Specially appointed, (internal and external) personnel process the personal data for SH on paper, by computer, telematics via computerised systems and via our own servers. SH collects personal data regarding access to and navigation within the website to enable not only the handling of services and the sections, which require user identification, but also for the technical, fiscal and legal administration concerning its own management, as well as for any statistical analyses concerning the use of the website itself. SH uses global statistical data concerning the type of traffic and other information connected with the website, without circulating or communicating the data of individual users to third parties. Data will not be circulated or communicated to third parties (with the exception of commissioned service providers, for the purposes declared above). 4. Rights of those concerned Those concerned may check the processed data at any time and exercise all the rights envisaged by the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (including the right to correct, update and erase) by sending a printed, written communication to SH at its aforementioned registered office or via e-mail to the address given in our website. 5. Cookies Our website does not use any kind of the so-called permanent “cookies”, nor does it track IP addresses, nor does it use other similar, permanent tracking systems on its users. We only use session cookies (i.e. temporary, which are removed at the end of your browser session) to optimise the use of the website and therefore to guarantee the best navigation around it. Other websites, which may have links on our website, may contain tracking systems, which have nothing to do with the website owner. We cannot guarantee that such external websites are equipped with similar security systems to protect processed data and to prevent any damage (e.g. computer virus). 6. Consent and specific information notes Special information notes and also, where necessary, specific requests for consent are present in the website for the general processing or for the processing of specific types of data. 7. Website security measures We have taken specific security measures to handle our website, which aim to guarantee safe access and to protect the information it contains from being even accidentally lost or destroyed. Our website uses the infrastructures belonging to the Google App Engine with its high standards of security. However, SH wishes to remind you that in addition to this being a legal obligation, the user is advised to install a system on his work station to prevent and to scan for virus attacks. We provide users with an identity code and a password to access the reserved section of the website. The user is expected to keep the password confidential. To navigate in the reserved sections in the website, you will need to use a browser which accepts a 128-bit encryption security level or above. 8. CCTV SH wishes to inform you that CCTV has been installed at its tele-controlled buildings in compliance with the Legislative Decree 196/2003. The recorded images will not be circulated unless they are required for property security and protection purposes. SH also wishes to inform you that data collection is required for the aforementioned, mandatory reasons and will be kept for the time it takes to complete those actions and, in any event, for a period of time which complies with the measures to protect personal data established by the Italian Data Protection Authority. 9. Clarification This document is the “Privacy Policy” for this website and will be subjected to updates.

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